Seven Hills Swim and Tennis Club is a private, members-only club and currently has a waiting list for membership. To be added to the waiting list please fill out the Waiting List Application Form.

Dues are as follows:

Family membership: $6,750 one-time initiation fee (includes tax) is payable with your membership application once you are off the waiting list, PLUS annual dues of $1,656

Single membership: $6,750 one-time initiation fee (includes tax) is payable with your membership application once you are off the waiting list, PLUS annual dues of $1,164

Adult single tennis-only membership: $2,900 one-time initiation fee (includes tax) is payable with your membership application once you are off the waiting list, PLUS annual dues of $720

Couples tennis-only membership: $3,900 one-time initiation fee (includes tax) is payable with your membership application once you are off the waiting list, PLUS annual dues of $720 per person ($1,440 total), which can be paid in one lump sum or drafted on the 15th of each month.

The Seven Hills Swim & Tennis Club member handbook may be found here >